Advice People Wish They’d Been Given In Their 30s
How someone feels about turning 30 differs based on any number of factors. Some hit 30 and panic that their youth has disappeared, others see it as the opportunity to really hit their stride and become who they want to be.
You could also be part of the group of people who aren't sure just how they feel about their dirty thirties and are looking for a little guidance, which we've got for you.
Life Is Happening Right Now
"Do the things you want to do. Stop waiting for the right time, just go."
"Exactly, life happens right now, and one day you will want to look back with a heart full of intense feelings and beautiful memories, not regrets."
Just Because You Committed Time And Money Doesn't Mean You're Stuck
"Beware of the sunken cost fallacy. Just because you've invested a lot of time, emotion, or money in a business or relationship does NOT mean that you're obligated to stay with it.
"So much time wasted. So much."
Listen To Your Body
"Don't ignore signs of bad health even though you feel fine. Just saying 'It always happens,' 'I'll just get better,' and 'It's nothing' can snowball into serious problems.
"You never know the true value of good health until you lose it."
"No" Is A Full Sentence
"You owe nothing to anyone who isn't bringing you joy. You do not have to explain your decisions to anyone. 'No,' is a full sentence. Cutting out toxic people will improve your health, happiness, and wellbeing."
You're Still Very Young And Hip And Cool
"30 is very young.
"So is 40 if you take care of yourself (mentally, as well as physically).
"American culture makes 'middle-aged' a joke term, as it is something unhip, uncool, and embarrassing to be."
Being Happy With Your Life Is An Accomplishment
"I felt so unaccomplished when I really had everything. A beautiful family, a nice big house, a thriving career, youth, energy, but for some reason, I felt I hadn't accomplished enough. I'd go back & shake sense into myself."
Reach Out To The People You Want In Your Life
"Don't play friendship chicken: it's hard enough to keep in touch with people, and it's only going to get harder. If you want to see someone, reach out to them."
Practice Touching Your Toes
"Stretch. Even if you don't work out, you should stretch frequently, maybe not daily, but a few times a week for sure. If you don't do this, your mobility will suffer and it will come along a lot quicker than you might think."
Buy Yourself Some Sunscreen, And Use It
"Start wearing sunblock every day now. Sun damage is the number one cause of wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer. I wear sunscreen even in the winter. People always ask what my secret to staying young is, genetics, suncream, and water in that order."
Please Just Go To Therapy
"Start seeing a therapist. In my opinion, better ROI than actual investing, which you should also be doing.
"Remember, it might take a few tries to find the right one, and things don't have to be bad to improve them."
Wait For The Right Person, Not Just A Person
"You can still find the perfect partner later in life. Don't settle for someone less than what you want just because you think your time is running out to find true love."
Stop Worrying About What Others Are Doing
"Don't compete with other people; you will be far happier and actually get abundance by trying to build other people up along with yourself.
"You always lose in some way when you bring other people down just to build yourself up."
Don't Forget To Floss
"Do everything you can to take care of your teeth to save big $$, large amounts of embarrassment and pain. Dentists can only slow down erosion and give you prosthetics, they can't reverse damage. Almost everything they can do for you is very expensive."
It's Time To Grow Up
"You can no longer get away with immaturity. People used to say 'Meh, it's OK, he's in his twenties and having fun.' Now people say, 'Jeez, isn't that guy in his thirties..?'"
Say Goodbye To That Fast Metabolism, Focus On Fitness
"Diet and exercise are now way more important than they were in my 20s.
"30s are the 'golden years' to me, where you shape your body for the rest of your life. You are in PRIME condition in your 30s."
There's Never Going To Be A Perfect Time For Children
"I don't have many regrets, actually. I'd advise you to marry well, if you aren't already, and immediately have children. Don't wait until you can 'afford' them, because like buying a house there is never going to be a perfect time. Have them while you are still strong enough to keep up with them."
Spend Time Thinking About Who You Want To Be
"Imagine yourself as the hero of this story, then do what that hero would do. Visualize a perfected version of yourself, spend a good amount of time doing this, and then ask yourself if you really want to be that person...if the answer is yes, then identify the key experiences that would bring you from your current state to the new one."
Steer Clear Of The Alpha Male
"Don't settle for a partner who can't control themself. Emotional stuff especially. The alpha guys are not necessarily the greatest life partners.
"Generally, I avoid any man who even uses the term 'alpha man' because it reeks of toxic masculinity."
Pick Up The Phone & Talk To Your Parents
"Call your parents and tell them you love them. If you're not friends with your parents yet, try hard to become friends. Your 30s are when you really start to have common ground with them."
Put In The Effort Now
"People whose strategy is to do the minimum don't make it very far. Try a little harder. You'll be glad you did.
"My uncle always says, 'You don't need to give a 100%, you just need to do more than everyone else.' Many people do only the minimum, it is not that much harder to set yourself miles apart."