This Satirical Book Shows Women How To Behave Around Male Colleagues And It’s Hilariously Accurate
Any woman who works in a male-dominated field, is regularly in meetings run by men, or simply exists in a workplace where other men work knows just how difficult it can be to navigate the professional sphere. It doesn't take much to be considered bossy, a b****, or conversely, treated as someone who is incompetent.
This satirical book pokes fun at the everyday struggles women in the workplace face, and I am laughing (but, like, in pain because it's too true).
Finally, A Manual For Working Women
The author, Sarah Cooper, is a comedian who previously worked for large companies like Yahoo! and Google and regularly faced problems as a woman in tech. She turned her pain into comedy by writing this satirical masterpiece.
It Gives Do's And Don'ts That Will Be All Too Familiar
The illustrations give clear instructions as to what can be seen as "threatening" in the office, and therefore should be avoided even if it makes no sense at all for a male colleague to treat a female employee that way!
Get Real-Life Behavioral Tips!
If you've ever been in a meeting with a lot of men, you know just how confused they get by a woman putting forward a feasible idea or solution, so you can learn easy ways to make it seem like you accidentally stumbled onto your good idea rather than having put strategic thought into it—because women apparently can't do that!
It Even Gives You Daily Checklist To Follow!
When you're a woman in a male-dominated field, you cannot apologize enough! Apologize for things like "sounding rude because you didn't use enough exclamation points or smiley faces" in an email, or simply for breathing! The checklists in this book are indispensable.
We're Laughing But Also So Mad!!
The women who have bought this book have praised its accuracy to the female experience in male workplaces, and the ways it made them laugh but also reflect on how many of the behaviors they actually use—consciously or subconsciously. One even called it "eye-opening."