What Each Zodiac Should Bring To Thanksgiving Dinner This Year

You might be someone who checks your horoscope religiously and lives their life by it, or maybe you're someone who claims they don't believe in all that mumbo jumbo but then you secretly check it when you're having a bad day to make yourself feel better.

Regardless of your feelings around astrology, there are certain traits that people possess depending on when they're born in the Zodiac, and those can be used to determine things like what you should be bringing to Thanksgiving dinner this year!

PSA: Mercury Retro Is Still Hanging Around For Thanksgiving This Year

mercury retrograde thomas the tank engine meme
Photo Credit: Instagram / @stone_spiral_
Photo Credit: Instagram / @stone_spiral_

Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen. Mercury is still hanging around messing with your emotions this Thanksgiving. Mercury Retrograde may have ended on November 20th but now we're stuck in the Retroshade fade-out period where Mercury will still be lingering around like a relative who has overstayed their welcome.


Not Everything Can Be Mercury's Fault, But Some Of It Is

astrology DW can't read meme
Photo Credit: Instagram / @mszodiacinformant
Photo Credit: Instagram / @mszodiacinformant

If you're unfamiliar with what Mercury Retrograde or Retroshade actually messes with and you just prefer to blame all your problems on it that's fine, but we're going to explain it for those people who want to know a little bit more.


What Is Mercury Microwave Anyways?

bingo card of mercury retrograde options
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sanctuarywrld
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sanctuarywrld

Mercury is the planet that rules over all aspects of communication in our lives, from listening to speaking to buying and selling, and it goes into retrograde a couple times each year, which means everyone's communication skills are sent into chaos.


So If Mercury Is In Retroshade How Does That Affect Turkey Day?

mecury retroshade meme about the shadow phase
Photo Credit: instagram / @elleaus
Photo Credit: instagram / @elleaus

Retroshade is the fade-out period that follows retrograde and it means that going into your Thanksgiving dinner, your communication skills might still be a little wonky. You might find yourself struggling to get your point across in a heated political debate with your Uncle Ed or taking that sarcastic comment from your sister's boyfriend to heart, and it's all thanks to retroshade.


How To Decide What You Should Bring With You

everything is your own fault again now that mercury is out of retrograde
Photo Credit: Instagram / @womanofthewomb
Photo Credit: Instagram / @womanofthewomb

While it's Mercury Retroshade, your friends or family are still going to expect you to bring something to Thanksgiving Dinner. You can't just mooch off of everyone else's contribution and claim it's Mercury's fault, so here's what you can bring based on your zodiac sign...


Aries - Stuffing (But With A Twist)

a serving dish of stuffing in Washington DC
Photo Credit: Tom McCorkle for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Photo Credit: Tom McCorkle for The Washington Post via Getty Images

Aries are known for their bold personalities and for their creativity, which is why they're going to tackle the stuffing, but they're going to spice it up. Aries have a tendency to air on the side of impulsivity and they're an independent sign, so they're going to try a new recipe that they found online, regardless of if they're qualified to make it or not.


Taurus - Mashed Potatoes

ranch mashed potatoes recipe photo
Photo Credit: Instagram / gimmesomeoven
Photo Credit: Instagram / gimmesomeoven

Known for being reliable and practical, Taurus is going to tackle the responsibility of bringing the mashed potatoes this year because they love the responsibility. They know that everyone will want mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving, and they're not going to be the person to mess up this year's dinner.


Gemini - Cranberry Sauce (Canned Or Homemade)

homemade cranberry sauce for thanksgiving
Photo Credit: Instagram / @cookieandkate
Photo Credit: Instagram / @cookieandkate

Gemini are gentle and adaptable, but they're also known for being two-faced and a little inconsistent (they're literally a twin sign), so bringing cranberry sauce is the perfect choice for them. They have the option to either make it themselves or just bring a can of cranberry, depending on how they're feeling.


Cancer - Mac And Cheese

jalapeno mac and cheese from ZZQ restaurant in Richmond, VA
Photo Credit: Katherine Frey/The Washington Post via Getty Images
Photo Credit: Katherine Frey/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Cancers are a sign that love to cook, and they love to cook for other people especially, so Thanksgiving is a time for them to shine. Cancers are emotional and they're intuitive, which is why mac and cheese is the perfect classic comfort food they know everyone is going to enjoy.


Leo - Turkey

thanksgiving turkey on the dinner table
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sportingchef
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sportingchef

How could Leos not bring the turkey? Leos want to be the star of the show, they're natural leaders, and they don't believe in false modesty. They know their turkey rub is delicious and they want everyone else to know it too.


Virgo - Dinner Rolls

dinner rolls for thanksgiving dinner
Photo Credit: Instagram / @therecipecollector
Photo Credit: Instagram / @therecipecollector

Look, dinner rolls may not seem exciting, but Virgos are practical, they're hardworking, and they get the job done without complaining. Someone has to bring the dinner rolls and a Virgo knows that if they don't, no one else will. So they'll bring them and they'll probably bring two different kinds because they're overachievers.


Libra - Apple Pie

apple pie for thanksgiving dinner
Photo Credit: Instagram / @anna_wierzbinska
Photo Credit: Instagram / @anna_wierzbinska

Being the one to bring the apple pie makes perfect sense for a Libra. They're known for being diplomatic, which means they're okay with their dessert sharing the spotlight with pumpkin pie. They're also great listeners which is why they remembered that last year you said you wanted a dessert other than pumpkin pie.


Scorpio - Sweet Potato Casserole

thanksgiving sweet potato casserole
Photo Credit: Instagram / @citytapboston
Photo Credit: Instagram / @citytapboston

With Scorpio season having ended right before Thanksgiving, Scorpios will be looking for some attention and they're going to get it with their sweet potato casserole. Scorpios are passionate and they're stubborn, which means they don't care if you don't think marshmallows go with sweet potatoes. They're going to bring it and you're going to eat it.


Sagittarius - Gravy

gravy boat with turkey and other food in the bacground
Photo Credit: Instagram / @testkitchen
Photo Credit: Instagram / @testkitchen

This year Thanksgiving is happening in Sagittarius season, which means they'll be in full force, and they're bringing the gravy. They're adventurous and they're truthful to a fault sometimes, so this year Sagittarius is bringing the gravy not because they want to, but because they have to — they hated the one that was made last year and they've been itching to try out that new recipe, so you've left them no choice.


Capricorn - Pumpkin Pie

piece of pumpkin pie with whipped topping
Photo Credit: Instagram / @loveandoliveoil
Photo Credit: Instagram / @loveandoliveoil

Capricorns are the serious, disciplined sign, but they're also seriously competitive which is why they're the one bringing the pumpkin pie. They have a tendency to prepare for the worst too, so Capricorns are bringing the pie because they know no one else's will be better.


Aquarius - Green Bean Casserole

green bean casserole for thanksgiving dinner
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sallysblakeblog
Photo Credit: Instagram / @sallysblakeblog

Aquarius is the humanitarian sign so it makes sense that they'd be the one to bring the green bean casserole or some other vegetable-based dish. They're analytical and assertive which means an Aquarius has already deduced that no one else is going to bring vegetables, and they're going to force everyone to put some green beans on their plate.


Pisces - Wine

wine for thanksgiving
Photo Credit: Instagram / tempranilloroad
Photo Credit: Instagram / tempranilloroad

How could we forget about the wine? It's the perfect Thanksgiving item for Pisces to bring. They're easy-going, everyone likes a Pisces, and they want to make sure everyone else has as much fun as they do, which is why they're the ones providing the vino.


Things To Watch Out For During Retroshade

ruin thanksgiving tweet
Photo Credit: Twitter / @UncommonBee
Photo Credit: Twitter / @UncommonBee

Traveling is a big one that can be affected during Mercury Retroshade, and no one wants to miss their flight home that cost them an astronomical amount of money. Make sure you're double and triple checking you're travel plans so you don't miss out on mom's famous stuffing that you've been thinking about since last Thanksgiving.


The Shade Could Affect Your Black Friday Shopping Too

big toasty cinnamon bun simpsons meme
Photo Credit: Instagram / @thewellandspindle
Photo Credit: Instagram / @thewellandspindle

Any astrologer will tell you that during Mercury Retrograde you should stray away from making major purchases, so it's a complicated time for all those Black Friday sales that you want to participate in. Just make sure you're really considering if you need that fifth pair of Lululemon pants or if you should consider putting them on your Christmas list for someone else to buy you.


You Can Beat Mercury

patrick spongebob thanksgiving meme
Photo Credit: Instagram / @kelpyg.exe
Photo Credit: Instagram / @kelpyg.exe

Despite Retroshade, this holiday season is one that's grounded in tradition and no matter what your horoscope says, you can still make it the best Thanksgiving dinner yet. Stuff youself full of turkey, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie - just like the pilgrims wanted!