A Glitter Coffin So You Can Leave Life The Way You Lived It — Extra AF

It may be morbid to think about, but someday all those times you typed "lmao I'm dead" will actually turn into your reality. Hopefully, you'll go out in the way you always wanted—gently passing in your sleep, wearing silk pajamas at the ripe age of 102—and on that occasion, the only proper way to celebrate your fabulous life would be to have a coffin equally as extravagant.

If you decide you want to go fab into that good night, The Glitter Coffin Company has your back.

Meet The Glitter Coffin

pink glitter coffin on table
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglittercoffincompany
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglittercoffincompany

The Glitter Coffin Company is a U.K. based retailer that upholsters coffins and other funeral items with glitter as well as creating beautiful memorial pieces for the loved ones the deceased leave behind.

The coffins are made from wood and then upholstered to the buyer's preference, so you can have that your extra exit from earth matches the personality you had while on it.


Style It Right

blue, rose gold, and pink coffin options
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglittercoffincompany
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglittercoffincompany

The company offers 18 different color options for the glitter upholstery, including colors such as lilac, rose gold, white, and purple. Each one is made to order, and interested customers can get pricing quotes by contacting the company directly.


These coffins are also available for worldwide shipping, so non-Brits can get in on the sparkle as well.


No Coffin? No Problem

display shows ash boxes upholstered in glitter
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglittercoffincompany
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglittercoffincompany

Of course, not everyone plans on having afterlife events or celebrations that demand a coffin, so the company has other options for those who still want to leave behind a fab memory. If you decide to be cremated, upholstered ash boxes are available (and they even have ones for pets if your furry friend passes away).


In The Meantime, You Still Deserve The Glitter

seating bench upholstered in glitter material
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglitterfurniturecompany
Photo Credit: Instagram / @theglitterfurniturecompany

The Glitter Coffin Company is the sister company of The Glitter Furniture Company, which specializes in making upholstered accent furniture and home decor, including lounge chairs, throw pillows, and Christmas stockings.


However, when you end up drifting off into that great unknown, the glitter coffin will be there to ensure you R.I.P. (Rest In Pretty).