Memes That Have Some Big Karen Energy
Gather 'round, folks, because we have some complaints to get in about the person who has been ruining all of our lives—and it's Karen. You know Karen, she's the MLM boss babe who loves using essential oils and will absolutely complain if she senses a hint of sass from a fast-food worker. And we all hate her.
If you're a Karen, I'm truly sorry about the name you've been given, but this is how the world feels about your manager-requesting kind.
These Boots Were Made For Holding Up The Wendy's Line
These sneakers check all the Karen boxes. They're comfortable enough for her Costco run and the inevitable hour that she's standing on her feet yelling at managers, they've got the same floral pattern as her favorite tote bag, and they've got her mantra emblazoned on them.
You Know Karen's Got A Cupboard Full Of Personalized Mugs
This makes total sense because we're all confused about where Karen pulls all of her crazy confidence from...since nobody else cares about the issues she's willing to die on a hill over. A bunch of entitled swag makes sense.
I'm Just Saying, I've Never Met A Child Karen
See, I grew up with a kid named Karen, and I've been keeping a close eye on her ever since these memes started coming out. She hasn't posted any Facebook rants about customer service experiences yet but...there's a chance.
But, Like, Are You Coming To Thomas's Bar Mitzvah Or Not?
To be fair, you didn't answer within one business day, so how is Karen supposed to figure how many cocktail wienies she's supposed to order for the appetizers?? Don't you get how crucial that is?
Because Karens Don't Make Mistakes
What's an oxymoron? Karen making a mistake, that's what. Karen makes zero mistakes because she's a perfect cyborg human sent from Mars to deliver complaints to middle-management that will make our customer experience at Applebee's slightly better.
You're Somebody When You Order Olive Garden's Pronto Lunch
They only give out the complimentary wine to you if they know you might not be able to handle the wait for a table—and that truly is a Karen requirement. Think of it like giving a baby a bottle so they'll get through a long social event.
Laying Down The Law At The Children's Soccer Game
I would give anything to be chilling in the parking lot watching this woman beat the steering wheel of her SUV, red in the face because a 9-year-old gave her a yellow card.
It's Only 63 Subs
Listen, I cannot wait for this day to come. In fact, I'm already stretching outside in the parking lot waiting for it to happen. I have the names and faces of all the middle-aged white women who screamed at me in my customer service job engraved in my mind.
"30 Minutes Of Mindful Meditation Will Cure Your Scoliosis"
You've definitely met a Karen in the waiting room of your doctor's office, spouting all kinds of medical advice that's scientifically backed by her 10 minutes of googling. And she's right, of course, despite also being there for the same issue you are.
Essential Oils Are A Cure-All
Don't even think about messing around and telling a Karen that her research isn't valid despite it being validated by an article she read one time. That would just be incorrect of you, Doctor.
Takeout Is Obviously More Important Than A Medical Emergency
I love how she saw someone literally being put into the back of an ambulance, and she was still ticked off her order hadn't been completed. Ma'am, it's going to be at least another five minutes while the employee gets their heart restarted.
If You Married A Karen, You're Automatically A Greg
Just because you married someone doesn't mean you need to have their back in all arguments. That's why they invented candy racks and menu wall-mounts at stores—so you can pretend to idly browse while ignoring your wife screaming behind you.
Boo, Bring On The Three-Day Work Week
Why? Because every single bad decision ever can be attributed to one that a Karen made at some point. Even if she's got nothing to do with it, I just have a feeling her name is written all over it.
God Help You If You Share An Office With A Karen
Don't get that confused with me saying that Karens have managerial potential, because they don't. They function best in their little social realms as the reason most managers exist. Otherwise, they'd never get to speak to anyone.
Meet Debra, Spawn Of Karen
Debra, if seeing a needle makes you uncomfortable, then you should probably ask yourself if you're emotionally ready to get that angel wing back tattoo. Because the answer is probably not.
This Doomsday Clause Would Knock The Karens Out
Honestly, wouldn't this just feel so good? I used to be a server, and one time, an elderly woman screamed at me from across the restaurant for forgetting her mustard. Since she called me an idiot over mustard, you better believe she's the first door I'm knocking on in this purge.
Do You Dare To Out-Karen The Karen?
This is how you short-circuit a Karen. They're not used to being on the receiving end of the demand, so there's going to be an electrical fire automatically starting in their brain. And it smells like a Charmed Aroma candle.
Every Karen Has This Iconic Saying On A Decal In Her Kitchen
Karens are united by a few things, but there's no stronger bond than the one forged by the sticky plastic cursive decal they have on their kitchen walls. Maybe only couponing comes close.
Because Entry Level For A Decade Is Super Satisfying
Maybe it's the fact that they're not super comfortable with you moving up quicker than them in the company. Or maybe they just want you to suffer a little longer. Either way, working with a Karen is a true test of patience.
The Salon Where Karens Are Made
This is a holy spawning ground for Karens. Once someone gets that reverse-mullet (long in the front and short in the back), then they're automatically dubbed a Karen and released into a Bed Bath & Beyond.