People Failing So Hard At Adulting You’ll Feel Like You’re Winning
Adulting is one of the hardest and most exhausting things that we're ever going to have to figure out how to do. It's pretty much an ongoing battle between what is the easiest solution and what the right thing to do is.
Luckily, no matter how badly you fail, there is someone out there failing harder than you, and that's really what matters.
Maybe She Loves The Smell Of French Fries
This is shockingly a mistake that a lot of people seem to make. Didn't anyone teach you about paying someone who knows what they're doing to do it for you?
Mowing The Lawn Is Tough
Maybe this was just a long con trick to try and get someone to do it for her. I mean, really, how did you not know when you own a house you're responsible for literally all of it?
Parent Of The Year
Whenever I hear stories like this, I wonder if they talk to other people in the world, because this seems like something that might have come up in conversation at some point.
Yes, Too Many House Rules
Clearly, it isn't that this person is reckless, it's that they're living in an environment that's stunting their creative genius. Maybe they like playing it fast and loose with their raw chicken hands.
Who Has That Kind Of Money?
If you have enough money to buy three vacuums, you would think that you would have enough money to pay someone to help you out, seeing as cleaning is clearly such a struggle.
Maybe She Was Always Asleep
If you had never really been awake to see the day change like that, then it would be quite jarring. But what did she think happened? Like, what did she imagine it was like when the days changed?
Baked Beans, Really?
I suppose of all the gross things you could put in the microwave to explode, baked beans aren't the worst. Fish would be the worst, but beans are probably a close second.
Plastic Does Melt
You would think, after this happened as many times as it did, that someone would have eventually bought a metal or wooden one. Maybe those things were too expensive for college students.
That's Their Family
Every once in a while, you're faced with a moment that makes you wonder how you're related to a person in your family. At least it sounds like he has a lot of other redeeming qualities.
Computers Are Hard
Wouldn't it have been a red flag for this IT guy that she had nothing else on her desktop other than the recycle bin? I'm not saying I agree that it's his fault, but know who you're working with.
An Honest Mistake
I can understand not knowing all the different time zones, but you should probably have a good idea of the one you're living in. Don't they teach kids anything in school anymore?
Not Even If It's Dawn?
I see his reasoning. If you can use gentle dish soap to clean living animals, you should be able to use it for ones you're going to eat. OK, now that I say it, I see the problems.
Some People Never Learn
The truth of the matter is that he probably puts that metal strainer in there way more than that guy thinks. He can't always be home to watch him to make sure he uses the microwave properly.
He Married Well
Well, now we know why this guy never has a freshly ironed shirt...or has one with big burn marks on it. Isn't it so nice to be in a relationship that keeps teaching you things?
Who Told Him This?
I would really wonder what made him think that that was a thing? Did his parents lie to him? Did he read something on the internet that made them think this was true?
Girl...Come On
Imagine you had terrible acne and then it all started to clear up when you started washing your bedsheets, but you thought it was a drug store face wash? Life is going to be full of surprises for this girl.
It Must Have Been Nice Never Paying Bills
Why would the utility companies send you receipts for payments that you weren't making? Like, if you opened at least one, you'd see something along the lines of "please pay immediately."
That's One Awkward Family Dinner
It's amazing that that guy didn't leave that dinner and feel like he never wanted to go there again. I, for one, would not want to pee in front of my partner and their family.
Hey, If You Never Had One...
We can't shame this lady about not knowing how to use a dishwasher if she never had one. She was probably so excited at the prospect of not having to do dishes she got carried away.
At Least They Aren't Roommates
That is quite the list of adulting failures. Makes you wonder if they ever had anyone to show them the ropes of being a grown-up. Maybe their parents were just as bad.