People Who Are Probably Going To Delete Their Tinder
If you've ever tried it, you know that online dating is one of the best and worst experiences you can have in the world of love and romance.
On one hand, online dating has worked for people, and on the other hand, you have people who make passive-aggressive comments about your phone case for no reason...
He Made An Attempt
It's gotta be hard having a name that isn't normal on Tinder. The number of puns that people try and come up with is probably terrible and really disheartening at the end of the day.
That's Abrasive
Not sure if she is joking or not, but she has some very strong feelings about avocado side dishes, and she doesn't need to take it out on this poor guy.
Almost Always
Unless you're a vegan, you'd be hard-pressed to pass up some bacon, especially if it was going to be crispy and greasy and all the things that make it bad for you.
She's Clearly Paying Attention
Imagine opening up your messages and thinking that you were answering a message someone sent you, but you were actually answering yourself? It's like online dating inception, only less cool.
I'm sure somewhere in here there is a compliment, but no one wants to be compared to a flat, greasy burger that people only eat in shame when they have no self-control.
You're Not Cute Enough!
Listen up! You're cute enough to ignore whoever you want to ignore, especially if they're going to be rude to you like that and call you out for no reason at all.
Thanks For Noticing
This is just proof that her expensive foundation is working and giving her that youthful, makeup-less glow that people want. Though, to be fair, if I spent that much on makeup, I would want people to know.
You Can Get Everything On Tinder
I want to know if they actually did help with the homework because if they did, then I think that they deserve a date or at least some dinner as thanks.
I don't want to say that this person is probably a serial murderer, but there might be a chance, and it isn't worth the risk to find out. Don't you think?
Ok...Thank you?
What is this person trying to say? Do they actually like it, or are they just being rude and trying to strike up a conversation in the worst way possible?
Not Her First Rodeo
This girl has seen and heard it all, and she's not putting up with it anymore. She's calling boys out on their cheesy pickup lines and putting them in their place.
We're Gonna Go There
One of the weird things about Tinder is how willing people are to overshare their life story with you. Openness and honesty is great, but maybe meet someone in person first.
It Goes Both Ways
How about saying something worth engaging with, then? What is with these guys literally giving one-word answers or asking dumb questions, never doing anything to make having a conversation easy.
Points For Creativity
Honestly, if he is going to put that much effort into starting up a conversation with the little emojis and everything, then he's probably going to be a good time.
Now There's Something You Don't See Everyday
He's probably going to find that there are a lot of people in the same boat as him. Lots of people's parents are worried about what they're doing with their life.
Maybe Too Honest
Yes, most people who dye their hair blonde have no business dyeing their hair, but that doesn't mean we can just say that to someone's face! Have some common decency and worry about people's feelings for once.
She Couldn't Keep Up
Either that, or she's playing dumb because he just ruined that potentially very cute moment there. I hope they make chicken jokes with each other forever and laugh about it at their wedding.
What The Heck?
What kind of question is that even? Is that person in America? Then the answer is probably yes. At least that person handled it like a pro and hopefully blocked them after.
The Man Of Our Dreams
Not only is he totally ripped, but he's working hard to save animals from shelters that are burning down apparently all over the place. Seems like a good guy to have around.
Is It That Hard?
Words are hard for some people, they just can't wrap their head around them. But not knowing the difference between being engaged and working at the stock market might be unforgivable for some.