People Who Prove The Universe Really Does Have Your Back…Sometimes
You hear people talk all the time about how the universe was looking out for them when something went their way. But is it possible that the universe is always looking out for us, even when things go poorly?
After all, hindsight is 20/20, and it's easy to see how things all came together for the best in the end.
Maybe It's For The Best
If this person doesn't see the value in her friendship, then they don't deserve her in the first place. Who couldn't use more friends? Especially ones who think you're actually cool.
You Couldn't Have Planned This Better
This is the kind of vanity plate that a rich white kid would put on the first expensive car they ever bought and chuckle about it forever. Too bad it's taken now by this person who got it by accident.
What Is Going On Here?
Not sure what this place's endgame is, but it's a bold move. It might be hard to know what the universe had in store for this person, but it did not include a tasty sandwich.
Thank Goodness For Those Cravings
It's good that this person wanted their McDonald's fix, or this could have gone a lot worse than it did. They just didn't know what was going on. The universe was just trying to teach them a lesson.
That's What Iced Coffee Is For
Might this be the universe's way of telling this person that they should maybe just try and get some more sleep instead of chugging three iced coffees a day on an empty stomach?
The Face Of Triumph
This person was torn between taking the perfect picture of their cat scamming on their partner's pasta, or protecting their partner's pasta. In the end, the universe aligned so that they could have both.
"Sorry, My Horoscope Says No"
The universe is pretty clear on this one: today is not your day to go into work. No, today, you are supposed to do all the self-care your little heart desires.
Getting Called Out By Her Ex
OK, yeah, this one maybe hurt a bit, but you've got to admit that he has a point. Sometimes, the universe tries to show you the signs and you ignore them, so it has no choice but to go and break your heart.
What Kind Of Black Magic Is This?
When you realize that you can screw a water bottle pop top onto most screw-top wine bottles, the second part of your life begins. The universe isn't always a cruel mistress. Sometimes she blesses with you genius like this.
These Are Going To Fly Off The Shelves
Who doesn't want to see more Jeff Goldblum than they already do, no matter how much that is? The person who works at this thrift store and added the pictures to the frames was really called by the universe to do good things.
You've Got To Have Your Own Back
Sometimes you don't need the universe because you've got your own back. Like this person who was drunk enough to drop their glasses, but not so drunk they couldn't make their phone background a nice little note to help them out.
Is This Art, Or Is It Cinnamon Buns?
This person is lucky that this cinnamon bun experiment gone wrong just continued to blacken and didn't burn the house down. The universe was really looking out for this person in a real way.
Never Resist The Urge To Do Your Nails
This person didn't resist the call of the nail salon, and thank goodness the universe brought her there. Her sister got engaged and didn't have cute fingernails, so who got to step in? Yeah, the girl with the great nails.
There Are Many Kinds Of Drunk
Then there is being as drunk as this guy, who is asking where his girlfriend is while standing right next to her. Thank goodness she had her phone out for a snap so she could capture this glorious moment.
He Is Risen, Indeed
I'm not sure what the universe has in store for you if you see something as holy as this, but you can be promised that it's going to be absolutely epic.
The Heart Wants What It Wants
You ordered popcorn chicken, that's what you got. Well, technically, anyway. The universe just wanted to remind this person that sometimes, when you're craving chain restaurant food, you should go to a chain restaurant.
Not Sure What To Make Of This
Everyone who has a little brother knows that they're kind of evil, but not many of us have proof of the evilness. Is the universe going to help him learn the error of his ways?
Someone Had To Do It
You need to learn the tough life lessons no matter how much you push against them. The person who works at this pizza joint took the universe into their own hands and stopped this person from having lifelong sadness.
Always Double-Check Everything
It's a good thing this person didn't just walk right to the checkout with this mug without checking the inside of it, or she would be blindsided by a conversation she was not ready to have.
All It Takes Is A Little Love
This person did an experiment where they were nice to rice in one container, and mean to rice in another container with all the other conditions the same, and the rice that was treated kindly did much better! See? The universe wants the best for us at the end of the day.
Can't Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth, Right?
The universe does not have this guy's back, but it certainly has the back of the person who just accidentally received $1881. I would forget how to pick up my phone, too.
An Attempt Was Made
At least this person made a fool of themselves by baking just oatmeal in the comfort of their own home with only their roommate home. What the roommate does is outside of our control.
Oh, Cheryl
It is quite unfortunate that Cheryl is about to have a life-changing realization about her life on Facebook, but that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes. The universe knew this might be the only way she'd work it out.
A Match Made In Heaven
2020 was a difficult time and it called for some extreme measures. Drinking wine and eating Cheez-Its was something we already did, but now we don't have to live in shame.
Because Taylor Would Know
Looks like Taylor and the powers that be want you to be able to keep your fond memories even if that means ignoring someone who was there. No picture, no proof.
Some Things Are Better Left Undiscussed
The amount of time we spend on our phones is something that we are all aware of but don't really address. Well, now our phones keep tabs for us and have no shame in letting us know.
The Gods Have Spoken
No one can ever tell you again that drinking can't fix your problems because there is a literal sign over the wine saying that it will bring me emotional wellness.
We Were All Young And Foolish Once
Finding an old diary or drawing from when you were younger is so humbling, but honestly, it is also a good way to reflect on how far we've come in life.
He Hated It For So Long
People would always tell him how much he looked like his mother and he hated it until he had a genius brain wave... what if I look so much like my mom I can steal her ID?
Everyone Wins
This parent's long con is going to make that kid a strong reader and that will take you places, no doubt. Let's just hope that kid doesn't learn how to read faster.
Sometimes You Need A Little Reminder
Sometimes the universe comes in the form of someone texting you and telling you that someday they could have the guts to leave you on read and never message you again.
At Least Someone Asked
Sometimes, being asked a question, even if you're going to be sassy with the answer, is the universe's way of checking in on you and reminding you just how hopeless things can be.
There Is Always A Bright Side, Isn't There?
If this guy didn't have a heart attack when he was 24, then he wouldn't have had something interesting to put on his Hinge profile. There isn't a better conversation starter than that.
He Regrets Nothing
What was this kitty supposed to do? They left those delicious eggs sitting out on the table, unguarded. I would have thought that was an invitation from the universe too!
She Was Going To Hear From Him Eventually
See? Even those girls on social media that seem all strong and fine without a significant other are just low key mad at someone who hasn't messaged them back yet.
You've Got To Respect It
Sometimes, the universe comes at you with the facts and doesn't sugar-coat them at all. Think of how much time this person saved themselves by listening to that simple "Nope" text.
We've Heard Of An Apple A Day
Who wanted to eat any of the fresh apples, anyway? If you want something to be destroyed, the best way to do that is to leave it around a toddler who will do your dirty work.
Maybe She Needed Her Spirits Lifted
The universe really wanted to remind this person that everything is going to be OK. That's why she accidentally bought these inspirational paper towels...because who even know that was a thing?
This Speaks Volumes
We all know that this year has been a wash, but sometimes we forget that it was that way for everyone. Seeing this planner reduced to sell just sums up the vibe of 2020 well.
They Do Have A Point
I wonder what this person's boss is going to follow up with, because really, what else is there to say? He was honest and maybe the customer really was being dumb.