10 Rules You Should Definitely Break On Your First Date

First dates can be nerve-wracking enough without having to worry about all of the stereotypical "rules" you should be following. If you're following a bunch of rules on a date, how will you ever stand out from other girls? Plus, most of them are ridiculous and unfair anyways, so here are 10 that you should ditch and not worry about on a first date.

Before you even get to the first date someone has to make the first move and ask someone out. One ridiculous rule is waiting for them to ask you out. What is it, 1950? You've got nothing to lose so if you have your eye on someone go for it! Plus, let's face it, if you're waiting for them you could be waiting a while.

Going on a date is fun and often means you'll get a free meal out of it, but you should never go out with someone expecting them to pay. You should always offer to pay for at least your half. Your date might not accept but your offer will show you're not there to take advantage.

If your date is willing to let you give some input, you shouldn't leave it for them to plan the whole thing. You'll help take the pressure off them if you help out, plus you'll have a better time knowing what to expect out of the date.

One rule that you should ignore is refusing to kiss on the first date, but only if you want to. It's 2019, it's all about your choice, whether that's to go beyond a kiss on the cheek or not. You never have to go further than you want to, but don't feel like you can't because there are unwritten "rules" that you shouldn't.

There's no need for the first date to be an interrogation, but you shouldn't feel like you can't ask about their past relationships at all. Asking a question or two about what kind of girls they've dated in the past might give you an idea of what they're attracted to, and if you two are really compatible.

Just like it can be a good idea to ask about past relationships, ignore the rule that says you should avoid topics like religion and politics. It doesn't have to be a lengthy debate, but getting a general idea about what is important to each other is a must. You don't want to waste either of your time if you wait until later to ask details about things that could make it or break it for you.

Another rule to break is letting them call the shots. Why wait for them to answer first when the waitress asks if you want another round? Don't be worried about what they want or think of you, just be yourself and if you want one, go for it!

Going on a date should be fun and you should enjoy yourself. One of the dumbest rules that people think they have to follow is not ordering messy food. They probably won't be holding back, so why should you? They'll love how laid back you are and that you weren't afraid to get your hands a little dirty.

It can be fun to hold back a little bit so they wonder more about you and keep them coming back to learn more but don't be too aloof and mysterious. Playing hard to get can be a great tactic, but you have to show some interest. How can you expect them to ask you out on a second date if you seem completely uninterested?

If you make it to the end of your date and had a great time, one of the most important rules to break is waiting for them to make the post-date move. Do the unexpected and they'll definitely be more intrigued than they were before.