20 Reasons It’s Better To Wait Until After Your Twenties To Get Married
Depending on who you ask, everyone is going to have a different opinion on what the best age to get married is. Some people get married at 18 and spend the next 60 years together, while others wait until their late 20s then find themselves divorced a year later.
The "right" time is different for every person. If you're not sure when that perfect time for you is going to be, consider these advantages to getting married later in life.
You Know What You Have To Offer
Beyond having a better idea of what you're looking for in a partner, you also have a better idea of what you bring to the table. You're more confident in yourself, and you know that you're a catch.
You Know If You Want Children Or Not
You might not be sure if you want children after you've just graduated from college and you're trying to start your career. Giving yourself time to decide and be confident in whether or not you want children from your relationship is beneficial for everyone involved.
You're Not Giving Into Peer Pressure
Whether you're single or you've been in a relationship for five years, you're going to feel pressure to get married or "move forward" with your life at the same pace as everyone else. Waiting until you're ready, even if that means waiting a few years more than the rest of your friends, means you can be confident it's your decision.
You're Settled In Your Career
You might have switched jobs a few times or changed fields entirely in the past few years, but now you've found the career you want. You're more settled in your position, you've paid your dues and done your networking, and now you have more free time because you've done your hustling.
You Manage Your Emotions Better
You've taken the time you need to deal with your issues, mature, and get to know yourself, and now you know how to manage yourself better. You can acknowledge when you're overreacting in a fight or when to feel justified in what you're feeling.
You're Less Picky
You're not willing to settle for any person that walks up to you, but you've realized that what someone looks like doesn't matter nearly as much as finding a person you want to spend the next 50 years talking to.
You're Financially Stable
A wedding isn't cheap, and neither is everything that comes after you get married. If you wait until you're a little older to get married, you'll have the opportunity to build up savings, earn a steady paycheck, and start to pay down any debts you have.
You've Achieved Some Of Your Goals Already
When you're in your 20s, you're trying to establish what your goals are as well as achieve them, whereas later in life, you've probably already accomplished a few. It's less about the hustle, and you have more time to dedicate to someone.
You Know You Want A Relationship, But You Don't Need One
You're past the point of feeling like you have to have another person to constantly lean on or depend on. Instead, you know that you're looking to make room for someone else in your life, without feeling like you need that.
You Can Create A Life You Love Before You Add Actual Love Into It
If you're not happy before you get into a relationship, there's a good chance that you're not going to be happy once you're in one, either. You can take the time to focus on finding what makes you happy or fulfilled, then find room for love.
You Might End Up Deciding It's Not Right For You
By not giving into the pressure to get married when you're younger, you might actually end up realizing it's not the right decision for you at all. Marriage isn't the right choice for everyone, but hopefully you won't realize that after you're already committed.
You've Realized That You're Not Always Right
Hopefully, by the time you're in your 30s or later, you're a little less full of yourself and more open to the possibility that someone else could be right. It's no longer "my way or the highway" all the time.
You've Had Time To Deal With Your Own Issues
If you haven't dealt with past traumas or whatever issues you may have, that's on you, but for the people who wanted to, they could take advantage of these years to better understand themselves and work through their issues.
You've Probably Experienced At Least One Bad Relationship
Plenty of relationships end simply because you realize that you and whoever you're seeing are not right for each other, but sometimes you end a relationship and realize just how terrible it was for you. You now know what a bad relationship feels like, and you know you don't want to find that again.
You Might Not Know What You're Looking For Yet
The later you get married in life, the more sure you can be that you know what you're looking for in a partner. If you're 22 and getting married, you might not be sure of who you are, so it's hard to be sure of what type of person you're looking for.
You Give Yourself Time To Mature
Women might mature faster than men in general, but that doesn't mean that every woman matures at the same rate. Your 20s can be the time to mature if you haven't done so already.
You've Had A Couple Relationships
Those relationships didn't work out, but you have the opportunity to learn something from each of those "failures." Every relationship that didn't work out brings you one step closer to finding the one that will work out.
You Have A Group Of Solid Friends
You're looking to add someone you love into your life, but they're not the only person you're going to be relying on. You have your family, and you have a solid group of friends that you can trust to support you.
You Have Better Decision-Making Skills
Regardless of the decision that you're making, you're more confident that you can make the right decision. You can evaluate all aspects of the situation and make a decision you're happy with.
To Put It Simply, You're Doing It Because You Want To
The only reason that you really need for getting married later in life is the fact that you want to. You're making that decision, it's your choice to make, and you don't have to defend it.