Are You More Committed To Your Relationship Than Your Partner? Here’s How To Know
An unfortunate truth of life is that there's no guarantee that just because you're committed to your relationship, your partner is going to be equally committed.
You might not even realize that you're giving a lot more than you're getting when it comes to the relationship. You assume that since you've devoted, so are they, but that's not always the case.
You Initiate Most Conversations Or Contact
No one wants to feel like they're bothering someone with their presence. You especially don't want to be feeling that way in a relationship.
However, being the one to always reach out or call or text can be tiring and unfulfilling.
When Given The Choice, They Choose Others Over You
You never want to be the person who sacrifices all of their friendships because they exclusively want to spend time with the person you're dating, but it's pretty common for you to want to spend more time with the person you're dating.
That's not the case with your partner though. It seems like they always choose someone else over you.
You Feel Indebted To Them Because You're In A Relationship
There should be equality within your relationship. Both of you have feelings and opinions that matter.
They aren't doing you a favor by being in a relationship with you. If it feels that way? There's an imbalance there.
You're Tired, In Every Sense Of The Word
You feel drained, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
While relationships can take work, they shouldn't be exhausting you. Being emotionally tired can be just as taxing as being physically tired, and you feel like you're both.
You Feel Stuck In Your Life
This might be something that you don't attribute to your relationship right away. You could be feeling stuck in other aspects of your life like you're not moving forward.
Part of that feeling could be stemming from a relationship that isn't able to progress.
You Have To Defend Them To Others
Sometimes the people that are outside of your relationship are going to be able to see the issues before you do, but you aren't ready to hear them.
How often have you had to defend his actions to your best friend, or explain away an issue to your mom when she points it out?
You Don't Want To Rock The Boat So You Settle
It feels like if you bring up something you're unhappy about, that could be the moment that they leave, so you choose to say nothing.
You settle for something you're not happy about rather than voicing your concern because you don't want to push them away.
Your Favors Are Never Returned
It's not that you're doing things for your partner with the expectation that you're going to get something back from them.
But when you look back, you realize that while you jump at the chance to do something helpful for your boyfriend, he doesn't do the same.
They're Never The One To Apologize First
Maybe they're stubborn, maybe they're sensitive and can't admit when they're wrong, or maybe they just don't care enough to apologize.
Whatever the reason, you're always the one who ends an argument or finds a common ground to agree on.
They Ignore Your Concerns About The Relationship
If you were to bring up any issues you're having with the relationship, you know that they're probably going to get brushed aside because that's what's happened before.
They're not invested in the relationship, so why would they be interested in improving it or having to work on anything?
They Aren't There To Support You When You Need It
In a moment of crisis where you need someone to lean on, it's pretty common to want to turn to the person you're dating.
You'd expect that they'd want to help you and be there for you. If they don't, that says a lot more than you realize.
Time Together Leaves You Feeling Unsatisfied
When you do manage to be together without him canceling plans at the last minute, that quality time doesn't leave you feeling happy or in love.
You spend time feeling like you're missing the right connection, or you leave feeling completely drained.
They Show No Interest In Planning Anything
Not only are you the first one to initiate any conversation, but you're also the one who is solely responsible for planning anything and everything.
They can't even put in enough effort to pick a restaurant to go to for dinner.
Their Schedule Is Always The Priority
Your partner's wants and needs are the only things that matter to them, with no regard for what does or doesn't work for you.
You're expected to make compromises for his work schedule, but he gets upset if you have a shift when he wants to hang out.
They Claim You Want Too Much From Them
When you suggest simple things like wanting to meet his friends or she mentions she's going to dinner with her parents and you ask if you can tag along, they claim you're asking too much.
It feels like you want normally relationship-type things, but they make you question that.
Your Insecurities Are Piling Up & They Do Nothing To Fix That
You start to wonder if maybe he's not interested in being in a committed relationship because he's committed to someone else, or maybe it's because you're not interesting enough, or the list just goes on and on and on.
The thing is, none of those things are the reason. The reason is that he's not as committed as you are.