People Share Dating Dealbreakers — Even If The Person Was Otherwise “Perfect”
Have you ever been seeing someone for a while and things are going well until, suddenly, they do something that puts you off so intensely that you can't move past it? Everyone in the world has a few dealbreakers when it comes to dating, and some are not heavily enforced.
However, these people shared the dealbreaker that would make them call it off with someone, even if they were otherwise perfect.
Don't Be A Jerk.
"Being condescending toward others. I hate it and it makes me angry when anyone does it. Be nice to people. Accept they may not be as knowledgeable as you on a subject. Don't condescend."
If You Wanna Be My Lover...
"If they don't even attempt to get along with my friends. Or watching videos on your phone, volume all the way up at a restaurant, on a double date. Believe it or not, I dated a guy that did both and I cringe thinking back on it."
The Garbage Can Isn't Even That Far...
"Littering." Beyond the environmental damage caused by littering, it also can just show how careless and selfish a person is that they can't even hold onto something for a few minutes to put it into the trash.
Can't Risk Those Pants Being On Fire
"I had an ex who consistently lied and omitted things. Usually not about anything huge, but she had a habit of it and didn't seem to think it was wrong. The longer we dated the worse it got. Eventually, it really divided us because I couldn’t trust anything she said. From then on, if I discovered I was with someone who lied often as a tactic, to get what they want, to avoid consequences, etc. that was pretty much the end of the relationship for me."
Cuddles Are Important
"Never holding my hand or not having any nonsexual physical contact." Especially when you're someone who needs physical touch to feel loved and comforted, having a partner who doesn't hold your hand or cuddle you can be very damaging.
That Could Get Very Annoying Very Fast
"The one that surprised me about my own preferences was despising a whiny voice. The person had everything else going for them, but after a few hours, I just couldn't stand the thought of listening to that voice over the long haul."
Madonna Is Not Thrilled At This One
"Extreme materialism." We live in a materialistic society as a whole, but people who are overwhelmingly obsessed with materialistic things can be almost too superficial with how they live their lives.
You'll Survive A Few Hours Without It
"The need to constantly be on their phone. I mean, I'm totally fine with a partner spending a lot of time on their phone, but if they can't put it down to watch a movie or have a conversation, then it's a problem."
That Is A Lot Of Fiancés To Have
"A girl told me she had been engaged six times. She was 29-years-old. I know things happen to make things not work out as planned, but that's a lot of things to go wrong."
That Toxicity Is Bound To Leak To You
"If they have toxic friends... for a lot of reasons." You might think that they're their own person and therefore their friends shouldn't matter that much, but people with toxic friends always pick up some of their toxic behaviors too.
A Bit Messy, To Say The Least
"Hoarding—I made this mistake once, I got into a relationship with a hoarder. I eventually realized that her deeply dysfunctional relationship to objects extended to the people around her. I was not an actual person, I was just another acquisition that was acquired and subsequently treated shabbily."
It's A Very Red Flag
"If the person you are dating makes you feel small. Not in a physical sense but like you're less than them. I’ve learned that's my first sign to book it out of there."
Please Grow Up
"Adult tantrums." As an adult, you should have the emotional maturity to work through your problems without screaming and throwing a fit. Anyone who still throws tantrum after the age of 10 needs a therapist.
Instagram Shouldn't Be Your Priority
"Being obsessed with social media or needing to document everything all the time and project a perfect version of their life." Someone who is obsessed with their social image tends to care a little too much about what other people think.
It's The Lack Of Depth For Me
"He told me he would much rather make small talk with a stranger than have a deep conversation with good friends. I don't know why I didn't see it before but that described perfectly why we never connected on a deeper level after being together for two years."
Your Opinion Doesn't Matter More Than Mine!
"My ex-boyfriend would always say 'Oh no, you want to do this, not that' every time I talked about doing something in a certain way. It even crossed over into me researching/buying gear for backpacking or biking etc.—he always acted like he knew better than me."
Ignorance Is Never Cute
"Unapologetic arrogant ignorance." Listen: ignorance is not bliss and leaning into it doesn't make your bold—it makes you an idiot who refuses to learn more about the world and also a jerk.
They Should Celebrate Your Wins With You
"Minimizing my accomplishments. I knew this woman, and if I said something like, 'I got a promotion at work' instead of saying that it was great and that I was great at my job, she'd say something like, 'Yeah well didn't you say Bill has really been helping you out with stuff?'"
You're Not That Special
"Entitled behavior—those people who act like the world owes them everything and are whiny when they don't get it simply because they were raised with more money than most people. The kind of people who demand respect but treat others poorly."