Tweets You’ll Only Understand If You’re Bad At Flirting
Flirting is a skill that you either have or you don't. And if you're one of those people who don't have it, then dating is just that much harder and more frustrating. What do they expect us to do? Just be honest about it and tell people how we feel?
That seems like way too much work, and it leaves a lot of room for error.
We Will Just Say Whatever Comes To Mind First
And just hope that they somehow understand that what you're actually trying to do is convey interest and not just sound like an out of touch middle-aged grown-up human person.
Maybe No Sign Is A Good Sign?
It isn't like when you go to the doctor's and hope that you don't hear from them because that means everything is fine. Not putting it out there is a sure-fire way for it to never be a thing.
Sometimes You Get Halfway There
When you really like the person, and maybe have had a few drinks, you almost get to a point where flirting is something that could happen if they are paying close enough attention.
When You Finally Put It Out There, You Have Regrets
Since you're so out of touch with how flirting works, when you finally manage to get something out that mildly resembles flirting, you immediately try to retract it. Why isn't that a texting feature yet?
You Try To Skip The Small Talk
Maybe flirting would be easier if you just skipped over the little small talk stuff to the part of the flirting where you start to get to know one another. Maybe.
There Have To Be Shared Interests, Right?
Find out what their interests are and exploit them whatever the cost, even if you know nothing about them. They'll never know if you play it super cool and do the research after the fact.
It Would Be Easier If You Could Just Ask
Even if you're not the worst at flirting, knowing whether someone is actually interested in you or not makes the process a whole lot easier. Why aren't they better at flirting so you can know?!
Sometimes You Gotta Take A Chill Pill
If you get too deep into it, you can lose perspective and that can make you look like a crazy person. I mean, you probably are. But, that isn't the point here, is it?
You Are Nothing If Not Committed
A trait among those of us who are bad at flirting is that we like to find one person and then that person is our person. They are the only crush we have for a lot longer than should be the case.
The Worst Is Accidentally Being Mean
Say it with me now: Picking on someone is not an acceptable way to be nice to them. That's something you do with your siblings, not your future partner. Not until after you start dating, anyway.
Obviously, You're Going To Fail Sometimes
Something you have to be prepared for—even when you're good at flirting—is that sometimes it just isn't going to work out for you. Don't let that reflect in your game! You win some, you lose some.
Always Walk The Fine Line
You should always be honest with the person you wanna be with. But, when it comes to honesty, there are levels of being honest. There are some things you can probably wait to tell them until after you know one another better.
You Tend To Create Imaginary Scenarios
One of the most fun things to do is to make up situations in your head where you're actually good at flirting and it goes well for you. It's a nice break from reality.
Try To Have Some Talking Points
Think of it like going to an interview. Have some things you know you should touch on, and work your way through that. Maybe you'll get a second interview...or, I mean, date.
Under Pressure, It's Hard To Preform
When you flirt with someone, you think you're working on something smooth and savy and then it comes out and you're immediately hit with the "I probably shouldn't have said that" regret.
Your Sense Of Humor Won't Always Translate
If you've got a weird sense of humor, that makes flirting harder. Not everyone is going to find the same things funny. But, when you do find someone, it's that much more special.
Being A Bad Flirter Doesn't Mean You Aren't A Great Catch
Because you are! We just all can't be good at the same things. What we lack in flirting skills, we make up for in other things! Like awkward pauses and laughing at inappropriate times.
Maybe You Just Worry Too Much
It's hard not to get in your head when you already have to worry about how flirting isn't second nature to you. But don't let it get the better of you!
In Time, These Things Will Be A Worry Of The Past
You'll be able to say what you want in front of your boo, or fart whenever you need to because that's what true love is, and eventually you'll find it.
Then You Get To Go And Be Awkward With Their Friends And Family
Because getting to know all the people in your partner's life isn't one of the scariest things that will ever happen to you. JK, it's actually the absolute worst, but cross that bridge as you come to it.