Why It’s Better That You’re Going Into 2021 Single
Being single is underrated. You might think 2020 and its lockdown would have been better if you could have at least been stuck at home with someone to cuddle you, but think of all the couples that broke up from spending too much time together.
If you don't believe us then at least listen to other people's reasons. Being single in 2021 will be a blessing, here's why.
Say Goodbye To The Guilt Trips
"On a day to day basis, I struggle less with feelings of guilt. There are things one misses out on by not being in a relationship, but not beating yourself up over a snappish reply or a thoughtless gesture towards someone you care about are not among them." - Kipsydaisy
Although our exes did a fine job of flipping the tables on us and always making us feel guilty about nothing, we do the same to ourselves. Take this time to be kind to yourself.
Save Money On Clothes And Makeup
"I don't have to worry about what I look like or what I'm wearing while I'm just chilling. Hair up in a messy bun, no makeup, no pants, no problem." - not-a-real_username
You could literally walk around your apartment naked and barefaced every day (we're in a pandemic after all) and no one would even notice.
Stretch Out On The Whole Bed
"I get to starfish on my bed and take up as much space as I want. It's heaven." -Reddit
No more nightly blanket wars. You might get your beauty sleep and actually feel rested the next day. Imagine all the things you could do in a day if you didn't always feel so tired.
No One Is Waiting For Your Hourly Updates
"When I've been in a relationship, I always felt like I needed to check my phone 24/7. I like being able to just chill and play videogames, watch a movie, hang with friends without checking my phone consistently." -RealECW
No one is going to get mad and mask their jealousy over you as "protectiveness." You can literally turn off your phone and forget about the world for a second.
Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want
"If I want to stay up late, I can. If I want to go to sleep early, I can. If I want to buy that box I can. If I want to watch a movie, I can. If I feel like watching tv, I can. If I feel like listening to music, I can. If I feel like reorganizing or redecorating my apartment, I can." -Reddit
You get it, the possibilities are endless. Your decisions are entirely yours. You can use your time and money however you see fit without taking anyone else's permission or opinion.
You Don't Have To Prove You're "Just Friends" Everytime Someone Texts You
"Nobody gets upset with me for having close platonic relationships." - GlitteringDingo
One of the leading issues in relationships is trust. Partners often mistakingly find it within their rights to forbid friendships with people because they're worried you're more than friends. Being single means you get to be friends with whoever you want based solely on your best judgment.
So Much Less To Worry About (Focus On Just Your Needs)
"My mind isn't constantly thinking about someone else. I just think about me and my wants instead of constantly wondering either what they're up to, thinking, want, how much I like them, how much I'm mad at them if we're stable or rocky.... it feels extremely freeing." - macaronus1
2020 gave you enough to stress about. Do you really want the extra stress playing "does he love me, does he love me not" daily?
You Get As Many Bad Days As You Need
"Because I am allowed to have bad days where I can freely curse without having to explain it to the other person that no, I am not mad at them, and no, I don't want to talk about it right now."
Sometimes even though you know they're just trying to help, all you want on a bad day is to cry it out alone under a blanket. When you're single you get to choose your support system and actually heal.
Instead Of Constantly Giving To Others, You Can Take It All
"I'm naturally very empathetic and a people pleaser. It's a part of my brain that goes into hyperdrive when I'm with someone I like. It's not even conscious most of the time, but it can be exhausting. It's nice that my brain can turn that part off when I'm alone." - Strikhedonia_
There's nothing wrong with being a giving person until you realize that you're giving so much more than you're getting and that you've got nothing left to even give yourself. You deserve to be number one for a while.
No One's There To Judge What You Eat
"Eating whatever I want at any time I want without having to have a discussion and planning it." - blackdenton
If you want to order wine and burgers every day during the remainder of the pandemic go ahead because no one's counting your calories or judging your thighs getting thicker. Live your best life!
All The Storage Space Is Yours
"A big one for me is I can take up a whole walk-in closet and have two dressers. No one is going to lecture me about having too much clothes." - falonreese
You can finally set up that yoga corner you've always thought about having, and fill the house with as many plants as you want. You're not required to share any part of your space.
Get As Many Rom-Com Recommendations From Netflix As Possible
"Nobody is messing up my Netflix algorithm." - NotARobotSpider
There's nothing worst than watching one action gory movie because it was their turn to pick and coming back to a Netflix with no recommendations that don't involve a kidnap and a murder.
You Don't Have To Answer To Nobody, Except...
"I answer to my cat, only." - idonotknowwhototrust
Your pets are the one and only exception. Your cat might give you sass and could use a listen on loyalty but it still could never break your heart the way your ex did. All they require is food, shelter, and occasional attention.
You Can Find Yourself Again
"Being single is being able to see myself clearly again, you don't realize how much being in a relationship can blind you to how you've changed, or how love can numb you to certain things. It was like being able to see myself through a clear lens and not through a distorted one" - mercury111111111
Sometimes you're so overshadowed by someone else's light or darkness that you need to take the spotlight again solo, to really find yourself again.
Keeping Your Brain Chemistry In Check
"Love really messes with your brain chemistry in a powerful way. It's such a potent drug, especially when you add that to unhealthy dynamics. Makes the highs higher and the lows lower." - _Lemon_Stealer_
This is why the breakup itself is so hard. Your body is craving back the love drug. Once you get past that stage, you rebalance your body, your mind, and the rest falls into place.
No More Pretending To Like Their Friends
"No longer being forced to hangout with their friends." Rude_Attorney_9428
Let's face it — you never had any interest in discussing last night's game for three hours over beers and chicken wings. Plus, it was kind of rude of your ex to assume you'd at least get along with the other girlfriends even though the only thing you had in common was that your loser boyfriends were friends.
No One Can Cheat On You
"The best thing is peace and not having to worry about getting cheated on." - norwegianmorningw00d
You can rest your head soundly on your pillow every night knowing you don't run any risk of having your whole trust betrayed by someone's selfishness. The only person you need to count on is yourself.
Being Given Basic Kindness Without Having To Ask
"I no longer have to explain/educate/teach someone how to treat me with basic human kindness and respect." - Heyyyyyouguys
The problem with some people is that you shouldn't even have to ask for basic needs, they should just know. The lack of understanding shows that they need to be single and figure their lives out before getting into a relationship.
All The Time In The World To Grow
"Gives me time to grow and explore my mind without projecting my insecurities and immaturities onto someone. " - Neighborhood_Nobody
It's always better to grow alone first and become the best version of yourself before growing with someone else. You deserve to have your full, undivided attention. Love can wait.
Not Requiring Validation To Estimate Your Worth
"Learned to love myself without needing anyone else's words of affirmation after being single for the first time in a few years." - FinalTourist
Many single people battle internal thoughts that make them feel like maybe they're unlovable, not enough, or need to change. This is the time to be self-efficient so that if love comes along in 2021, it's simply a bonus, not a means to your happiness.