These Doggos, Fluffers, Woofers, And Pupperinos Are Living Better Lives Than Most Humans
People love their dogs. Just like how we need air to breathe, we need dogs in our life. It's simple science. But some people love their dogs so much that their pups live better than most of the humans in their lives.
I mean, dogs are perfect and do nothing but love us, so they deserve it. But one day I would also love to fly first class or own a Chanel sweater.
What A Turnout!
This dog has more friends than most of us do. I can't think of four people I would invite to my birthday and actually hope show up. It must be nice being so well-loved.
The Mickey Ears!
These adorable pups are rocking those Mickey ears on their trip to Disney Land where they are living it up while the rest of us are sitting at our desks being jealous.
He Looks So Sharp
Can you imagine having your own little wardrobe built with a bunch of custom made accessories just waiting for you to rock? This dog is a sharper dresser than I'll ever be.
A Woman Who Knows What She Wants
I wonder what the husband thinks of sitting in the back seat while the dog hangs out in the front seat with his wife? Do you think at this point it's just something he has come to accept?
So Fierce!
This dog has celebrity level money and only wears designer brands. Meanwhile, most of us work two jobs and can't even afford a decent looking knock-off, let alone the real thing.
This Is Actually Really Sweet
Someone built this little guy his own house under the stairs. I like that they included pictures of his humans so he remembers who allowed him to be in such a comfy position.
Does It Get Any Better Than This?
I can't remember the last time I had nothing to do, especially to the point where I was taking a nap because I was tired, not because I was avoiding my problems.
Well Excuse Us
There are people in the world who have never been able to travel and never been on an airplane, and here this cozy little guy is napping away in first class.
He Looks So Smug
Is it weird that this adorable corgi is more cultured than most people I know? If I asked someone to take me to the MOMA for my birthday, they would all just laugh and ask me with what money.
Who Is The Real Star Here?
Only an angel belongs on the top of the Christmas tree, so when this woman puts a picture of her dog instead of a picture of one of her children on the top of the tree, I'm sure everyone understood.
Study Group!
I never got any work done when I worked in groups or studied with my friends. There were just too many things to chat about. I hope these two don't run into the same problem.
Pretty In Pink
This dog is so blessed. And I'm not just talking about the fact that she's chilling on a boat, but also because she has such beautiful hair. What conditioner do you think she uses?
Now We've Seen It All
In case you don't fully understand what is going on here, this woman is driving her little dog around in a remote control BMW. That is luxury at its finest.
Those Look Yummy
Forget taking your kids on an Easter egg hunt! You can do one for your dog and have a way better time. Look how excited he is! He deserves those treats.
Life Is Tough
This little guy looks so content with his situation like he knows he has it good. I guess we can't really be too mad at him when he's that cute.
He Looks So Proud
Have you ever done something and felt good about it and then told your family and they just kind of made it seem like meh? Well, that isn't something this dog has ever experienced.
Sipping Drinks By The Pool
The only thing this golden beauty is missing is sunglasses to block out the rays that are clearly getting in their eyes. I bet it's doing wonders for their highlights, though.
Talk About Lazy
I, too, avoid working out at all costs, but I would never do it at someone else's expense. Next time someone asks me to go for a jog, I'm going to say yes and then demand they carry me.
Do You Think He'll Finish That?
That ham is almost as big as that dog. He looks very unsure about whether or not he should eat it. Obviously he will, just like we all would, he just has to pretend to be polite first.
Gotta Love Those Little Toes
These two look fantastic in their matching Halloween socks. Or, in the dog's case, little Halloween ankle warmers. I'm so glad they have that kind of friendship. How many people do you know who get you matching socks?