People Share The Lesser-Known Problems Of Being An ‘Ugly’ Woman
The world is so consumed by and obsessed with the idea of how to be the most attractive.
The standard is so high that some would argue it is unattainable. A person on Reddit wanted to know, "What are the lesser-known problems of being an 'ugly' or unattractive woman?" Here are some of the responses.
Fewer Job Opportunities
Multiple people commented along the same lines as this person about having fewer job opportunities.
One person even claimed that they were denied a manager promotion because they "did not look the part of a general manager."
How They Dress
Society has evolved to make us think that we always need to be looking out best.
This woman responded and said that if she dresses in sweats, she feels she's perceived as being lazy.
Unwanted Weight Loss Advice
Many also shared a similar feeling of constantly being given advice on how to lose weight when they did not ask for it.
Some even said that they received these comments from doctors when they were there for an unrelated matter.
Constantly Comparing Yourself
Those who were in a relationship say they felt that they were comparing themselves to other women.
They said that it did not matter if their partner was telling them that they were beautiful.
Always Taking The Pictures
This woman felt that because she was not as attractive as her friends, she would always get asked to take the group picture.
This would be difficult because everyone wants to be in a group photo!
Always Trying To Be Fixed
This woman felt that she was always being told how to change by people.
They were telling her how to get into a relationship. Are there any others that you think should be added in?