Times When People Were Petty With A Capital ‘P’
There are plenty of situations where we wish that we could let someone know how we really feel about something.
Most times you don't say it and regret it. However, some people have the courage to really let people know how they feel and it can get quite entertaining!
These Are The Rules
The amount of passive-aggressiveness in this sign is so over the top!
Even though it is very passive-aggressive, you have to think it's because previous attempts of getting through to people have not been successful.
How do you respond to a mildly passive-aggressive note in the office?
This person decided to take the sarcastic response route and we have to admit it's actually pretty funny.
Personalized Parking Spot
The person who "made" this new parking spot had probably seen them go over the lines one too many times.
Because of that, they decided that they must need their own custom spot, so they helped them out.
Anywhere But The Sink
To sum this sign up, you're allowed to pour out your mop water anywhere but the sink.
The final sentence shows they mean business, as they say, "Don't make us get medieval."
Confident In Themselves
You have to respect people who think that they are better than others and are not afraid to show it.
This person even believes that they are cooler than people they have never met.
Not Yours, Debbie
Bringing your lunch to the office and leaving it in the fridge can be a gamble.
You never know if someone might like your food over theirs. Debbie took the wrong person's lunch and they were going to let her know.
"Tell A Human"
Working in the service industry is all about interacting with people, sometimes good and sometimes not so good.
This restaurant has had enough of people leaving them bad reviews online and wants diners to bring up the issue in person.
Just For You, Bob
There's being a good neighbor, and then there's being a petty neighbor.
Bob had told this person that they needed to paint their fence one too many times. So they painted it, just not how Bob probably would have wanted.
Thou Shall Not Pass
A homeowner did not appreciate their lawn being used as a passageway for their back neighbors.
When telling them not to do it didn't work, they resorted to bright orange rope.
Stay In The Lines
If you drive a car, then there is a pretty good chance you have been rubbed the wrong way by someone's parking ability.
This person thought that some elementary school-level training might help a stranger improve their parking.
Making It Clear
This company heard complaints from their customers about the size of the popcorn one too many times.
They figured that a good way to do this was to "clearly" make people know right on the bag.
Touch It Now
Children's books generally need to have simple words and phrases in them for the kids to understand.
Not very often do they have something that is borderline passive-aggressive, but it's pretty funny!
Choose Wisely
This mom has cleaned the toilet one too many times and will not do it anymore.
To try and make the rest of the household adopt the lift the seat method, she has threatened to clean with their toothbrush.
Obeying The Law
This is what happens when a responsible driver has been honked at for going the speed limit.
This simple yet effective sign in the rear window lets drivers know they will be obeying the speed limit.
Don't Be A Disappointment
This bar appears to have had far too many people treat this pole as a dancing pole.
They have gone for a message to hopefully make future dancers think about if they would want to disappoint their father in another way.
Nice Going Away Message
Your coworkers can be some of your biggest supporters, but they can also be pretty petty if they don't like you.
This office going away party got pretty awkward when the cake arrived.
The Savage Sibling
There is nothing quite like the unconditional love of a sibling.
You can always count on them to tell it like it is. Even if that is that you're looking like a substitute teacher.
30 Means 30
If there is one thing this person does not appreciate, it's people speeding through their neighborhood.
They thought that maybe drivers did not understand the posted sign, so they added their own to clear up any confusion.
Obey The Lines
Reaching for milk only to find out that you are actually out is one of the worst feelings.
This house had it happen one too many times so the dad made it crystal clear when to let him know it was running low.
The Parking Commandments
This appears to be a parking blunder of biblical proportions!
The resident did not appreciate having their driveway blocked, so they made sure that the culprit was reminded of the parking commandments.